Pragmatic Identity Matching PrIM

Integrated actionPrIM Consulting

Pragmatic Identity Matching PrIM

PrIM opens up new perspectives by providing a planning infrastructure as the framework for integrative thinking and cooperative action and renders previously unconscious connections visible. PrIM is an instrument for information generation, optimisation and impact assessment.

Defining features:
  • uniformly structured visualisation of any participant or subject
  • transparent integration and value-neutral coordination of content
  • usable by all parties regardless of the organisational form
  • no special conditions or preparations required
  • instantly usable at any location, on any scale

The notion of Pragmatic Identity Matching PrIM combines two theories: An information model based on 'pragmatism' as defined by Charles Peirce (the founder of semiotics), and a social-psychological understanding of identity development as 'identity matching'. PrIM is an innovative structural-scientific approach developed by Dr. Markus Erbach. Its goal is the purposeful planning of the content integration between different participants or subjects of a communication. For instance, in a cooperation project it allows for systematically comparing their various traits and contributions as inderdisciplinary content, transparently aligning them, and combining them into something new.

Three se­mio­tic triads be­come the 9-field-ma­trix of a cor­po­rate or pro­ject iden­ti­ty. This makes it pos­sible to com­pare and match se­ve­ral such iden­ti­ties in a struc­tured way (Iden­ti­ty Mat­ching).

What makes PrIM so efficient and sustainable
Pragmatic Identity Matching PrIM is
  • identity-oriented, because very different participants or objects can be uniformly described as 'identities';
  • values-neutral, because differing attitudes and conflicting interests become transparently comparable;
  • scalable, because every dimension of a project can be described, irrespective of its scale: from temporary individual project to permanent global cooperation;
  • symmetrical, because different needs are treated equally (for example animal welfares vs. economic interests).

The knowledge base underlying a company's PrIM Identity Matrix can be used to develop its own strategies and instruments for targeted project development or pinpointed problem solving (see figure on left). At the same time, helpful methods, proven strategies or suitable instruments can be integrated at any place into the knowledge base of a company or project (figure in centre). The knowledge archive of the PrIM Identity Matrix (figure on right) is dynamical and scalable in width and depth. Challenges on the markets, technological changes, and other heterogeneous infuencial factors can be assessed in context and dealt with in a targeted manner. By using the PrIM Identity Matrix, a company becomes a learning organisation.

What PrIM is ... and what it isn't

Pragmatic Identity Matching PrIM is not just a 'method' or a 'tool'. It is an information infrastructure that facilitates a framework for integrative thinking and coordinated action within the broader frame of reference of the whole 'world' of a company, an organisation, or a project. Depending on the objective at hand and the given framework conditions, it can be used to develop concrete methods and tools for solving very specific tasks: e.g. the PrIM Brand Matrix for differentiated brand development and communication, the PrIM QM Matrix for DIN-compliant customer-oriented quality management in the company, the PrIM Compliance Matrix for implementing value-driven behaviour in the company, the PrIM Innovation Matrix for a targeted development of innovations from within the company, and so forth.

In contrast to traditional one-sided strategies of business administration, PrIM is multidimensional, because it depicts a company's situation in a realistic manner by taking into account heterogeneous or dynamic internal and external influencing factors. PrIM provides an integrative model of thinking that opens up a way of pinpointing solutions 'from the inside out'. PrIM incorporates the company's own creativity and resources, making its application profitable and sustainable at every stage of a project.